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of the Alaska Libertarian Party
Adopted at the May 12, 2018 Convention in Anchorage, Alaska.Alaska:
As amended 2024


Article I: Purposes


  1. Encourage and support ALPAlaska Libertarian Party (AKLP) candidates for political office.
  2. Advancing public policy issues in keeping with liberty philosophy, including passing legislative initiatives and supporting legislation which advances our platform.
  3. Supporting political education concerning free people and free markets.
  4. Seeking publicity for liberty philosophy.
  5. Maintaining and growing the Alaska Libertarian Party to achieve election of candidates to public office.


Article II: Membership


A person shall become a member of the ALPAKLP when the person has become a registered Libertarian voter in the State of Alaska or submits a membership application to the secretary, and pays an annual fee as enumerated in the bylaws.


The Executive Board shall establish and maintain an email list of AKLP members in good standing, excepting those members who have affirmatively opted-out or unsubscribed from the list. This email list shall be used exclusively for AKLP business.

All notices to members required in this Constitution or the AKLP Bylaws shall be satisfied by emailing such notice to the AKLP members email list in the specified timeframe. Members who have opted-out or unsubscribed from the list waive their right to notice.

Members who do not wish to, or are unable to receive email but still wish to receive notice may arrange with the secretary an alternative method provided it is deemed practicable and agreed to by both parties.

Article III: Alaska Libertarian Party Organization

The ALPAKLP is governed by this Constitution, the ALPAKLP Bylaws, the Platform and membership as expressed at ALPAKLP conventions. This Constitution may be amended or dissolved only upon a vote of more than 75% of delegates at the biennial ALPAKLP Convention. There shall be an Executive Board of the ALPAKLP consisting of a minimum of five elective offices:

Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson

The Executive Board shall operate as the voice and conscience of the ALPAKLP as well as managing PartyAKLP initiatives and elective campaigns. The Chair of the board is recognized as the unitary public voice of the party,AKLP, always reflecting the platform and constitution. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at a location and time established by the ChairmanChairperson provided a quorum of 67% is achieved. Members may participate at meetings by audio or audiovisual means, if practical.

Other Executive Board Offices and sub-committees may be established by the ALPAKLP Executive Board through the ALPAKLP Bylaws the committee by this provision is hereby empowered to establish. Bylaws may be established or amended by a 67% vote of the Executive Board.Board proceeded by at least a two week notice of the proposed motion to the membership. Bylaws may cover any area of ALPAKLP operations the Executive Board chooses, but consistent with principles of necessity and brevity in rule-making and the creation of PartyAKLP offices. Such bylaws shall not be in conflict with this Constitution. All PartyAKLP conventions and formal meetings shall be conducted under “Robert’s Rules
 of Order”.


Article IV: Convention

The ALPAKLP shall hold a Biennial Convention no later than September with the ChairmanChairperson as the presiding officer. Upon a vote of 75% of the Executive Board or the petition of 75% of ALPAKLP members, the ChairmanChairperson shall schedule a Special PartyAKLP Convention on any matter where the voice of the PartyAKLP membership is necessary or desirable. Notice of all Conventions shall be distributed as widely as possible, including a formal notice from the ChairmanChairperson at least 30 days before the convention, in pen or electronic. 



ALPAKLP convention delegates shall be members of the ALPAKLP and 18 years of age. Delegates at a convention shall be determined and certified by the ChairmanChairperson in consultation with the Membership Chairman.Chairperson . The Executive Board shall establish a method of remote participation of affiliates.



The Biennial ALPAKLP Convention shall elect the officers of the ALPAKLP executive board every two years commencing with the 2018 convention. Additionally, any temporarily appointed elected position will be up for election as well. Nominate delegates to the National Libertarian Party Convention, review the PartyAKLP platform, determine how PartyAKLP elective candidates are chosen within the Alaska elections laws.

The Convention may issue directives to the Executive Board to carry out. All matters may also be considered for revision at Special ALPAKLP Conventions. All Convention votes shall be by majority rule unless otherwise stated in this Constitution or Robert’s Rules of Order.


Article V: Executive Board Powers and Duties

The Executive Board of the ALPAKLP shall:


  1. Direct all activities of the ALPAKLP consistent with this Constitution, Platform, the ALPAKLP Bylaws and directives from PartyAKLP Conventions, including but not limited to:


    1. Endorse or recommend ALPAKLP candidates, issues, or projects that advance liberty;
    2. Score other liberty candidates of other parties if there is no libertarian candidate in the race.
    3. Fill by appointment any vacancies that occur. Such appointees will serve until the next convention.
    4. Hold Executive board meetings, open to registered Libertarians, every quarter of the calendar year proceeded by at least a 30 day notice to membership.
    5. Encourage and recognize the new local ALPAKLP affiliates.
    6. The Chair acting on behalf of the executive board shall repudiate any statements by a person or group wrongly made publicly in the name of the ALP.
    7. Establish ALPAKLP delegate and/or convention fees;
    8. Create new temporary ALPAKLP committees as necessary;
    9. Furnish the State of Alaska division of elections with the pertinent information of the candidates for U.S. President and Vice-President, as well as electors for these offices, in the manner specified by law.
    10. Perform all reporting to the Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) or other future agencies as the law requires.

All Executive votes shall be by majority rule unless otherwise stated in this Constitution or Robert’s Rules of Order.

Elected ALPAKLP officers may be removed from office by a 75% vote of the Executive Board or a majority of Special Convention Delegates due to malfeasance or nonperformance. Missing three out of four consecutive Executive CommitteeBoard meetings (without a recognized excuse) shall be grounds for removal from office.


Article VI: Procedure for Selection of Candidates for Political Office

The ALPAKLP shall participate as the statewide Alaska affiliate of the National Libertarian Party enjoying all of the privileges and responsibilities that come along. Selection of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates – The ALPAKLP will accept as partyAKLP nominees for President and Vice-President the two candidates chosen for those offices by the National Libertarian Party National Convention. No formal vote for the two offices is required of the ALP.AKLP. The ALPAKLP is free to endorse and support Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates for selection by the National Libertarian Party Convention, though the ALPAKLP delegates to the national convention shall ultimately voice the ALPAKLP choice for nominees to national offices.

Selection of Electors for the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates – The Executive Committee,Board, or in exigent circumstances the Chair or the Vice- Chair or other partyAKLP officer as necessary, may authorize and present to Alaska election authorities the list of ALPAKLP candidates to serve as Electors of the Electoral College that ultimately determine the election of the President and Vice-President.

Selection of Candidates for State Elective Office – While the selection of partyAKLP nominees to elective office is presently governed by Alaska election law, the ALPAKLP may always express its preference in prospective partyAKLP candidates and support those candidates directly, whether the preference is made by a convention vote or by executive or affiliate committee vote.

The ALPAKLP will compete for elective office through the primary and general elections rules as set by the State of Alaska while advocating for a change from an elective system that primarily serves the interests of established political parties.