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of the Alaska Libertarian Party
Adopted by Convention: 13 May 1989:
As amended 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2024

Section One: Executive Committees

A. Offices

In addition to the five offices of the Executive Board (committee) established by the AKLP Constitution, the offices of Fundraising Chair and Communications Director are hereby established as provided by Article V (A)(2).

B. Officer Duties

1. Chair

  1. Act as presiding officer at Conventions and committee meetings of all kinds.
  2. Call all conventions and committee meetings of all kinds.
  3. Direct the AKLP in retaining its legal status in Alaska as a recognized political party and in complying with all Alaska election laws.
  4. Maintain the AKLP’s status with the National Libertarian Party. Resolve National Libertarian Party issues with the vote of the committee as necessary.
  5. Rule as necessary on membership and procedural matters.
  6. Act as the unitary public voice of the AKLP on all matters.

2. Vice-Chair

  1. Assume the Chair’s responsibilities as required by absence.
  2. Organize the time, place and content of conventions, including recruitment of speakers and other offerings.
  3. Draft and gain the Chair’s approval of an agenda for conventions and committee meetings.
  4. Act as primary point-of-contact for AKLP candidates and their campaigns.

3. Secretary

  1. Maintain all AKLP records.
  2. Draft and gain approval of minutes for all conventions and committee meetings.
  3. Prepare and submit election law reporting to the State of Alaska.
  4. Assist the Chair and Vice-Chair in their duties as necessary.

4. Treasurer

  1. Monitor and authorize as necessary all AKLP expenditures, including full authority alone to authorize necessary expenditures of $200 or less.
  2. Report on the state of AKLP finances at conventions and committee meetings, including all special authorizations by the Treasurer.
  3. Assist the Secretary in his or her duties, including the submission of Alaska election law reporting.
  4. Prepare and file all necessary schedules and forms required by the tax laws of the United States or of the State of Alaska.
  5. Maintain all AKLP financial records as directed by the committee.

5. Membership Chair

  1. Maintain a current membership roster.
  2. Establish and execute membership drives.
  3. Train all AKLP members concerning the steps to establishing membership in the AKLP.
  4. Report to conventions and committee meetings on membership matters, including recommendations on accepting proposed affiliate parties.

6. Fundraising Chair

  1. Maintain a current donors’ roster.
  2. Establish and execute fund raising drives.
  3. Assist the Secretary and Treasurer in preparing Alaska election law reporting.
  4. Report to conventions and committee meetings on fund raising matters.

7. Communications Director

  1. Administrate, maintain and improve the AKLP’s web site, Alaska Libertarian Party, and all AKLP outreach materials to include all social media.
  2. Draft and issue press releases with approval as necessary.
  3. Establish and execute publicity campaigns.
  4. Act as the primary point-of-contact for all interaction with the press/media.
  5. Compose and circulate a AKLP newsletter quarterly.
  6. Monitor all social media of affiliates and report to chair.

One person may serve in more than one committee office. Such person shall hold only one committee vote no matter the number of offices held.

All officer duties may be fully taken up temporarily by other committee members as circumstances may require with the approval of the committee as discretion requires.

C. Committee Meetings and Procedure

1. Scheduling/Notice

The Chair shall establish dates and locations for committee meetings proving written notice to committee members no less than three days prior to the meeting. Participation by audio-visual or telephone link is encouraged, should the necessary equipment be available. Notice of committee meetings shall also be forwarded to all AKLP members.

2. Participation

All AKLP members are encouraged to attend committee meetings and participate in debate (not to make motions or vote). Guests of AKLP members may also attend and will be given some opportunity to peak should they wish to. Guests should be identified to the Vice-Chair sometime prior to the committee meeting.

3. Honor Code

  1. No member shall willfully misrepresent events known to them during committee debate.
  2. No member shall employ personal insults toward anyone during debate.
  3. No member other than the Chair shall say they speak for the AKLP unless specifically authorized to do so.
  4. Internal AKLP matters shall be kept confidential at the discretion of the Executive Board.
  5. Transparency in all AKLP matters shall be observed to AKLP members with regards to private board meetings.

Section Two: Alaska Libertarian Party Conventions

A. Elections

1. Single winner elections

Candidates for AKLP office may be nominated and seconded on the convention floor by delegates. To be eligible, candidates for AKLP office must have been a member of the AKLP (per section seven of the bylaws) for at least six months prior to convention. Each candidate will have the chance to speak to the convention and to have one other person at least speak on his or her behalf.

A candidate must win a majority of delegates voting with runoff votes as necessary. In a tie after two runoff votes, the AKLP officer shall be selected by flipping a coin supervised by the Chair or Vice-Chair.

2. Multi-winner elections

Candidates may be nominated and seconded on the convention floor by delegates. Delegates may vote for as many people on the National Libertarian Party Convention delegate list, subcommittee membership or other AKLP list being determined calls for. The number of votes per delegate will be set by the Chair when there is no finite number that applies. There shall follow the same number of votes as the roster requires, with the winner of each vote being elected to the list, even by a plurality vote.

Section Three: Local AKLP Affiliates

May be formed as a part of the AKLP by a vote of the committee after a detailed written submission by the new affiliate members has been provided at least twenty (20) days prior to a committee vote. These details should include the administrator contact, scheduled general meetings and minutes submitted to the AKLP committee.

Local AKLP affiliates shall have the authority to endorse candidates in their area and other specific powers that may be granted by the committee.

Section Four: Selection Of Candidates For Elective Office

The AKLP shall seek to aid and select candidates for elective office loyal to the AKLP platform who would make a capable public official and a credible candidate for office. The method of selection may be made by convention or by committee vote as time circumstances call for.

Section Five: Expenditures

  1. Committee members shall bring spending needs before committee in their area of responsibility and also for elective campaigns, legislative initiatives, public interest advocacy, AKLP growth, conventions, meetings, events or related subjects. General AKLP members may also bring such requests before the committee if submitted in writing to the Vice-Chair at least one week prior to a committee vote.
  2. The Treasurer will ensure all AKLP liabilities are paid in a prompt way. Expenditures determined by the Treasurer to not be clearly payable shall be resolved by committee vote as circumstances allow. The Treasurer has plenary authority to authorize new, necessary AKLP expenditures of no more than $200.
  3. The AKLP operates on the principle of pay as you go with known funds. No binding commitments will be made to spend funds that are beyond the present means of the AKLP to pay.

Section Six: Legislative Initiatives

The AKLP may take a position on every legislative initiative that appears on the Alaska ballot accomplished by either a convention vote or a committee vote.

A member may bring a proposed legislative initiative before the committee for debate and a vote on approval provided the proposal has been submitted in detail and scrutinized in advance by the committee as to whether the legal standards for such initiatives has been met. All such initiatives proposals must also quite plainly advance liberty.

Section Seven: Membership Dues/Delegate Dues

Any person registered as a Libertarian by the Alaska Division of Elections and having paid a $25.00 membership fee ($10.00 student) shall be a member of the Alaska Libertarian Party as well as a member of any recognized Affiliates.